Re: Alpha Clock Five and serial in Python from a Raspberry Pi

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Clock Kits Alpha Clock Five and serial in Python from a Raspberry Pi Re: Alpha Clock Five and serial in Python from a Raspberry Pi


I have done a bit of programming in Python on a Raspberry Pi for sending data to an Alpha Clock Five. My clock has firmware version 2 with the GPS extensions, so if you have a different firmware, you might need to make changes. Please let me know if you find it useful, comments, corrections, etc…

Files in the above compressed archive: – Library module, imported into each of the other files. If you just run it, all variables are displayed.

brightness – expects a command line parameter of an integer between 1 and 11.

reset – set all parameters back to somewhat sane defaults and sets the mode back to display time.

scroll – expects a quoted string of any length, a delay between updates, and a number of times to loop (between 1 and 99)
bedtime – I plan to add this to crontab to run at 8:15 PM to tell my three year old it is time for bed…