Re: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Egg-Bot Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects Re: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects

Windell Oskay

Hmmm. All of the settings should be purely deterministic, and it should work exactly the same way every single time that you print the same design. If something is not coming out consistent, it’s hard to imagine what the issue might be.

Do you suppose that you could try some tests to help determine under what circumstances this occurs– for example printing something simple (maybe just a circle or square) over and over on the same ornament, to see if it’s consistent? If you could get more information about what might be triggering it, I might be able to figure out how to fix it.

(Also, for spheres, the motor height should be fully up– both motor shafts pointed directly at the center of the sphere.)