Building my Own

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums WaterColorBot Building my Own


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  • #28648
    Sam Stephens

    If I wanted to use the hardware documentation and build my own WaterColorBot from scratch, would I run into any problems as far as purchasing materials? Are the parts listed ones that I can get in small enough quantities that I wouldn’t end up paying for too many extra parts I wouldn’t use?
    Also, has anyone tried to build the Bot from scratch? I would be interested to hear what sorts of challenges the project posed.

    Windell Oskay

    Many of the parts — things like bearings, rivets, cord, and so forth are available in small quantities. There is plenty of woodworking involved.

    Some parts are custom made, and some are a little hard to find. We *do* have remaining stock of many of these, and can sell them to you if you need them. These include the WCB 2.0 winches and their hardware, the various parts of the main carriage, the rod end sliders, the cable guide, the EBB control board, motors, etc.

    We also have stock of the water dishes, paints, and other consumables, as well as most of the hardware. We do not currently have the large wooden parts nor the 6 mm steel shafts.

    I recommend that you look carefully over the bill of materials and the stackup, identify what you need, and contact us about the parts that you aren’t able to find in appropriate quantities. While there’s a lot to be said for making the custom parts from scratch, a lot of them are actually available for purchase.

    Sam Stephens

    Thank you so much!
    I have access to a laser cutter that I’m hoping to take advantage of to create some of the fabricated parts. I’ll reach out about anything that doesn’t seem feasible or that I have trouble finding.

    Sam Stephens

    The shop homepage says the WaterColorBot is “back in stock,” but the product page says it’s no longer in production. Are completed bots available for purchase anywhere?

    Windell Oskay

    That’s an old news item; we’ll take care of it. They are not in production right now.


    The official website seems to have it in stock, doesn’t it?

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