Failed to connect AxiDraw despite visible datas on USB

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums AxiDraw Failed to connect AxiDraw despite visible datas on USB

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    Hello, I have just received my AxiDraw V3 and I cannot make connection with “failed to connect” message. I have downloaded and installed AxiDraw_320.exe and InkScape successfully but when I try an example, I just have the message “failed to connect”
    On the board, the green led is up (alim) and I can see (when I do not do anything) messages on the USB port (the two LEDs red and green blink and then stop for about ten seconds and then another message seams to transit and so on…)
    It’s the same if I only plug the USB cord
    On my computer perif manager I have no error and I can see “HID USB Bootloader” and this one disappear when I disconnect the AxiDraw
    I use Windows 10, last version
    I need this AxiDraw to finalize a school project with a deadline very soon so If you can help me it will be great !

    Windell Oskay

    I see that you’ve written to us by email as well, and I’ve followed up with you by email.

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