X-axis suddenly stopped working

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums WaterColorBot X-axis suddenly stopped working

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    [note: apologies for duplicating an email already sent to EMS a few days ago, but I really miss my WCB working!]
    I’ve been getting on well with my WCB here in the UK for a few weeks since building it (received mid Feb), but suddenly my motor 1 (or the corresponding channel on the EBB) has gone lifeless :( Nothing dramatic happened at the time, I started a new print from the home corner having just finished one, and the X axis was dead.

    The motor doesn’t move, it’s also not locked up like the other one, and when I try to paint, everything looks like it’s working, but only the Y axis actually moves.

    I tested the voltage on the motor terminal blocks, and there is nothing on any combination of those 4 terminals when it’s supposed to be moving. There’s plenty for the working motor, depending on what it’s doing of course.

    Please help! Thanks.


    hmm, sounds like my EBB is toast, thanks to EMS for sorting me out.

    On a supplementary note, I’ve been interested in using pens with the WCB, and I’ve had success with the Platinum Souhitsu Fude Pen CFS-250 (http://www.cultpens.com/acatalog/Platinum-Souhitsu-Fude-Pen-CFS-250.html), most brush pens are quite thick to fit in the holder, but this one is perfect.
    Windell Oskay

    Sorry for the slow reply here– I’m glad that we were able to help out through e-mail. :)

    And, thanks for the tip on the pen– we’ll add it to our list of recommended pen choices!

    no worries!

    By way of evidence, here’s my TSP Batman silhouette with that pen:
    What do think would be the practicalities of having support for variable ‘brush down’ position according to stroke width?
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