Light detecting led circuit

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Electronics Light detecting led circuit

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  • #20710

    I am working on a pendulum driven by light (actually an IR Diode) reflected off a reflective surface.
    The pendulum bob is a shiny neodymium magnet.
    As the pendulum bob reaches it’s lowest point the transistor will turn. I expect to use a small coil with appropriate protection against voltage spikes to drive the pendulum

    I am trying to design a circuit similar to the dark detecting circuit shown at the following url :

    The led will be replaced with a coil of approximatly ohms dc resistance.
    Could I modify this circuit so it will switch the led (actually the coil) ON when it detects actually IR.
    Would like to keep supply voltage down to 3 volts is possible.
    I hope my thinking is not too simplistic


    Oops, the dc resistance is approximatly ten ohms

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