Maker Faire 2007 – now with pictures!

The Disgusting Spectacle

Maker Faire is shaping up to be a fantastic event! I’ve taken a few pictures, and I’ll add more to the set as I manage to get them uploaded. Pictured above is a very giggly evil mad scientist operating The Disgusting Spectacle.

Please also check out Scott Beale’s coverage so far. He shot a beautiful portrait of one of our dodecahedrons.

We’re having a blast, and we hope to see you there!

4 thoughts on “Maker Faire 2007 – now with pictures!

  1. I am incredibly envious. My son is almost 13 and I know he’d love it, but we can’t go this year. I am determined that we go next year. It looks like all the parts I like about Burning Man without all the parts I don’t like.

    And I’m another person who is for some reason compelled to declare my undying love for you on account of your printer.


    1. We’ve never been to burning man (desert is intimidating) so can’t compare, but Maker Faire is awesome. It should be mandatory for almost-13-year-olds.

      Glad you like the printer. You can build one, too, you know! Or your son can…

  2. (sunset at halfmoon bay) Did you do both maker faire AND negative tide? Wow.
    Maker faire with multiple kids is quite different than alone. Spent our time mostly
    doing cyclecide and Make Play Day…

    1. I’m not sure what negative tide is. We spent our day at the sugar printer, at the LED coffee tables, and (a little bit) at the Make store with our kits.

      Luckily, our kid was mostly watching robots kill each other all day; that makes things easy.

      Windell H. Oskay

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