Maker Faire New York 2017 Highlights

Maker Faire New York was wonderful, the MOnSter 6502 got an editor’s choice ribbon, and we took a few pictures that give a taste of the faire.

Maker Faire NY 2017

In perhaps the most perfect Maker Faire spirit, the Fixers Collective brought broken things for people to fix. Broken 3D printer, anyone?

Maker Faire NY 2017

Sam Zeloof brought examples of his homemade integrated circuits along with documentation of his processes. He even made a small demo vacuum chamber to bring to the faire since the one he made and uses at home was heavier than he wanted to lug to the faire.

Maker Faire NY 2017

This great display project by Taezoo Park in front of the great hall utilized vintage portable televisions.

There are more photos up in our flickr album and there were many more wonderful things we didn’t get pictures of.