Tag Archives: kindling

The Amazon Kindling


This week’s project is a collaboration with Rob from the always-entertaining-but-hard-to-describe science/prank/DIY/investigative journalism site Cockeyed.com. He had the brilliant idea of making an Amazon Kindling— a wireless wooden e-book (which uses no electricity….), and we were pleased to help out. You can read his writeup here. It came out well, and you can even use it as firewood when you’re done reading.

Amongst his other projects, Rob has a long and remarkable history of putting unusual objects on eBay– and apparently the Kindling qualifies– his auction is here.

Update 5/14, 11:55 PM: eBay has pulled the auction. That’s surprising– it was accurately described, listed in the “sculpture” category, and very clearly a parody. (No sense of humor, some people.)

Update 5/15, 12:15 AM: The auction appears to have been reinstated. (Have to keep an eye on this.)