Librarian tattoos

Librarian Tattoo

Violet Blue’s new “Blogger” tattoo reminded me that I have to let you all know about this awesome Hanukkah present from my mother-in-law: a book of temporary tattoos for librarians. Check this out: “I Heart Dewey Decimal System!”

I Heart Dewey Decimal System

Here’s a close-up with my hair out of the way. Some of the other included illustrations for your favorite librarian are “Book Lust,” “Literate 4 Life,” and “Alas, Poor Yorick.” My favorite is a skull wielding an “overdue” stamp.

Tattoo book

The book is titled “The Illustrated Librarian: 12 Temporary Tattoos for Librarians and Booklovers.” There is a real live Illustrated Librarian out there. But for those of us who don’t do pain very well, yet still want a little art, these are great fun. Mine came from Dark Carnival, but if you’re not near Berzerkeley, you can get them from Archie McPhee.

7 thoughts on “Librarian tattoos

  1. hi it’s me again, whose cat went Evil from your site.
    He also wants me to tell you he’s Mad. [I told em, hey stop that!]

    Wow, neat tattoos! neat corset! neat!! [that’s 4 exclamation points all together]
    I linkClicked to archie mcphee. Way cute site, even has a devil icon button which somehow reminds me of I searched that site, but they dont have the tattoos. Though Accoutrements and McFee ARE the same guys, certain "Accoutrements For Modern Living" are for some reason not McPhee’sible, so ya gotta patronize them weird shops what distribute their goodies, such as the one mentioned. McPhee’s site charges a minimum of $4.95 shipping handling whatever. Ive visited their Washington State offices and checked out their excellent whatever. Picture your stuff being packed by a shanty-singing dwarf pirate sporting a sasparilla-flavored gummy mustache.
    I miss those guys!
    Of course, $4.95 is awfully close to the cost of an EvilMadScientist menorah kit -the item itself is WAY nicer than your photos. You should be ASHAMED! Ooops, not _that_ ashamed.
    Sadly out of range of your lego trebuchet, I mope though life in Berkeley CA. Heck, I’m practically _in_ Dark Carnival, but fellow connoisseurs of fine temptatts neednt come near, ya lazy bastids. Dark Carnival claims to ship thrice daily -isnt that the definition of a maniac?- and also claims some allergy to shipping/handling-fees over their cost–a fee-obia?– Not a McPhee-obia. My newly EvilMadCat is forcing me to tell you DC told me they dont charge for "handling". Whoa, dude, Free Goosing! My lil tatts look like they’ll fit in a standard envelope, so DC shipping’s prolly under a buck on this, if not headed overseas or offplanet, or to a dog. A dog??
    Ok, ok, I typed all that! Please please Sir, EvilMadCat, dont conk me with another champagne bottle. Sincerely,
    Mrs J R.O.S.S.R., Berkeley
    [still sticky, but the fizzing seems to have subsided.]
    Hey! Stop that! Owww

    1. oh oops the item i meant which is way nicer than your photos is the EMSL electronic menorah. I have one, but as I am not the handy type of nerd I had help with the soldering, and not from the cat either. I am unreasonably in love with my tiny menorah.
      Au contraire, the cute photo of the cute tattoo on the cute girl does the tat justice.
      For my next act, Im gonna look hereabouts for a quicktime movie of your menorah lighting up.
      Wow wotta concept:
      video EvilMadMenorah-
      maybe it’ll replace the tv yule log? Maybe not.
      Disclaimer: White Fang, my emsl-site corrupted EvilMadCat, is not responsible for the above content. HeyOUCH! Unfair!

    2. hahaaha omg i almost look forward more to reading more of your (Mrs J ROSSR, Berkeley) insanely gastardly bastardly sickening in such ways to cause backwards flow of inertial inertia of my brain matter and other such stupid randomness that i cannot comprehend anymore what thee hast spewn forth onto these already gastardly pages, but i do know that i nearly wee my panties whenever i oogle them commentaries, oh they are true bliss run amiss i do fear, but i do wish to furthermore speak to this random soul knowing no bounds of language, sanity or otherwise. look me up googlewise under my name… or not.

      lookin forward to more tales of the cat gone wild,

      1. hiya glenneroo are you ernestly in vienna austria or have i misgoogled you and if so, does it hurt? does it tickle? if it hurts, is it a sharp yknow stabbing pain, or more like a dull throb? just asking.
        -j rossr [those are my initials. collect em all!]
        ps whaddya think of the EMSL sugar fabbing machine with 3D moebius strips huh? huh?
        if youre in the bay area let s go to maker faire. ya hear that mad scientists? let’s all go!

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