Navel gazing: The first three months, and folks we admire.

Yes, it’s time for the state of the blog address. We took the EMSL blog online on June 21, 2006, three months ago. (It was about time that we started organizing our projects.)

So, happy quarter-birthday to us. Thus far we’ve put up some thirty projects. We’re actively working on about forty others right now.

If you haven’t bookmarked us, now is a fine time to do so. =)

Minor announcement I: We’ve just created a new group on flickr as a repository for our project photos.

Minor announcement II: We’ve also updated our CafePress shirt design:

Front: “Resistor”                      Rear: “Join the resistance.”

(Get one.)

Minor announcement III: Today we’re adding a new section of links to our web page, “Honorary Mad Scientists,” a short, specific, non-exhaustive list of creative people, sites, and/or blogs that we admire. We thought about calling the list “people like us,” but (1) it’s cocky of us to think that we can be as cool as these people and (2) maybe these folks don’t want us to suggest that they are anything like us. So, we’ll just call them Honorary Mad Scientists; read on for a partial list.

  • George Hart has made trilobite cookies and beautiful mathematical sculptures.
  • Bathsheba Grossman makes and sells the most amazing mathematical sculptures, we suspect that she’s in cahoots with George.
  • Leah Buechley. We got a tour of her lab once; it was the coolest thing we’ve ever seen.
  • Marque Cornblatt, who has made fantastic robot sculptures.
  • crab-fu steamworks. We were lucky enough to be stationed next to these guys at Maker Faire, these steam-powered robots are just so cool.
  • Because We Can. Another creative couple from the Bay Area, making fantastic and creative furniture with their CNC router. One sign that they’re like us: strikingly similar photos (like these) from the art car fest this weekend. Hey guys, if you’re reading this: We have a cool new circuit design for an interactive coffee table. Want to collaborate?
  • not only asks the question “How much is inside?” but also has some great halloween costumes.
  • Steve Cooley presents some junk we like. Another creative fellow from the south bay. Rock on!
  • Nate True’s hosts a number of his projects, which (we think) are a lot like ours. Nate, you are now an Honorary Mad Scientist.
  • Tim Anderson has written a remarkable number of cool instructables.
  • Mac & Cheese has a great attitude about food. I could do with fewer mushroom pictures, but I gotta respect someone willing to try mac’n’cheese out of a can.
  • Megan over at not martha – she’s willing to tell you her mistakes (check out the poached eggs) so you can avoid them. Gotta love that in instructions.
  • We first ran into Scott of Laughing Squid at the St. Stupid’s day parade. We’ve been running into him, or having near misses, ever since.
  • Oops, almost forgot Mr. Jalopy whose site is a great antidote for garage sale withdrawal. We’ll definitely be adding to this list as we go.
    Cheers!– Lenore and Windell.