Charming Japanese Notebooks

Japanese Notebooks  Japanese Notebooks

“Most advanced quality Gives best writing features” is a great not-quite-nonsensical slogan we found on a charming little notebook from Kinokuniya’s stationery store in Japantown in San Francisco. Another is “Made of paper specially prepared in Tokyo.” Or is that “Made of paper” and the booklet is “Specially prepared in Tokyo”? In either case, we’re always on the lookout for little booklets for TGIMBOEJ and these fit the bill perfectly.

Japanese Notebooks

2 thoughts on “Charming Japanese Notebooks

  1. Have you guys been to Daiso Japan? They have a lot of great Japanese stationery like this, along with a whole container shipload of other totally random Japanese stuff. There’s one in the San Antonio shopping center in Mt View where San Antonio Hobby used to be (alas). I just bought a pack of notepads that say "Let’s write it down before it forgets!" and my new favorite pen, the "Bulky".

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