LED Metronome

After seeing our Larson Scanner kit, Martin shared this LED metronome project with us. Martin says:

It was designed as a “Visual Metronome”  So a learning music student could help see the timing by watching the green light.  There was to be an optional clicking sound  by using a small solenoid for the ticking – I chose that in place of a speaker for a more authentic sound.

The timing is a standard 555 timer which is fed to 7442 BCD to DECIMAL counter.  Next chip is a 74193 UP/DOWN counter.  When the count hits the last number, it sends a pulse to reverse the count or start over – depending on the toggle switch on the side.

There is also a pot on the 555 to control the speed.  All this was made in one night while I was working the graveyard shift.

The entire LED display was hand wired using a manual wire-wrap tool.

The chip pin labels on the back of the perf board are a particularly awesome relic of a different era of electronics assembly. Thanks for sharing your project photos and video with us!

1 thought on “LED Metronome

  1. Reawakened fond memories of my tinkering with wirewrap connections through perfboard to 74193s and such, more than thirty years ago. Thanks.

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