The 555 Footstool Design


By popular request, we are releasing the design files for our famous 555 Footstool project.


The design is made from 23 pieces of 1/2″ hardwood plywood, laminated together, in a sort of manual 3D printing process.


The design files are in Inkscape SVG format, and you can download the design here (a 28 kB .zip file).

10 thoughts on “The 555 Footstool Design

  1. What do those groves on the pieces do? Do I have to cut the slanted ends after gluing the pieces together? I see no slanted pieces in the photo.

  2. This is great! I made my own version on these files several years ago after seeing your design. I measured the images and made drawings. Never used them afterwards… I should pull mine back out and compare to see how close I was. Thanks for releasing these!

  3. Thank you for finally doing this! Now I have to find a local wood mill that has CNC capabilities.

    One thing I’m confused about: Isn’t there 15 hex pieces, not 13? I count 15 on the drawing and in the picture above.

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