Tag Archives: parade

Neighborhood Holiday Parade

Lakewood neighborhood holiday parade

Yesterday was the Lakewood Neighborhood Holiday Parade, and this was our second year watching it. It is a charming tradition: the middle and high school bands march together and play holiday music, all the local classic cars come out (some of them bearing local politicians), and they host a toy drive. It was bright and sunny and all the classic cars shone. For more pictures (from both this year and last) you can check out my flickr set.

Lakewood neighborhood holiday parade

St. Stupid’s Day Parade 2007

St. Stupid 2007 - 07

April first is the only holiday of the world’s oldest religion and the world’s largest church: The First Church of the Last Laugh. We celebrated the holiday in San Francisco with the church at the 29th annual St. Stupid’s Day parade. The weather was lovely, and the people-watching was excellent. We took a few pictures, which are in this flickr set for your enjoyment.

Some parade highlights:

Scott of Laughing Squid was there with Justin of justin.tv and has already written about the parade and put up a flickr set, too.

Here are some more flickr sets from Steve Rhodes, solsken, dustinj, and a handful of pictures from bellboybob.